Title: Comparative Analysis of NLP Approaches for Earnings Calls
Author(s): Christopher Kantos, Dan Joldzic, Gautam Mitra, Kieu Thi Hoang
Date: 5 August 2022
The field of natural language processing (NLP) has evolved significantly in recent years. In this chapter we consider two leading and well-established methodologies, namely, those due to Loughran McDonald, and FinBERT. We then contrast our approach to these two approaches and compare our performance against these methods which are considered to be benchmarks. We use S&P 500 market data for our investigations and describe the results obtained following our strategies. Our main consideration is the Earnings Calls for the S&P 500 stocks. We vindicate our findings and present the performance of our trading and fund management strategy which shows better results.
Keywords— Natural Language Processing, Sentiment Analysis, Earnings Calls