Algebraic Modelling Language Family

>>Modeling Tools
Modeling Tools 2018-09-05T07:24:12+00:00

We develop as well as resell Algebraic Modelling Language Family of Products that are used in Mathematical Modelling and Optimization. Our in-house products include AMPLDevSP (IDE for AMPL), FortMP and FortSP. FortMP is a solver which has sparse LP, MIP and QMIP features. The Stochastic solver FortSP uses Benders Decomposition or Level Decomposition and regularisation and is built around embedded solvers: CPLEX or FortMP. The diagram below shows the types of Modelling systems and Solvers we develop and support and the relationship between them:

Modelling systems

Key Features

  • A smart editor with context-sensitive syntax highlighting.
  • Efficient error reporting with the ability to instantly go to the error location.
  • Stochastic programming support through SP constructs and FortSP solver
  • A solution view which organises and separates the results from the solving model.
  • A project explorer that allows you to organise all your projects and corresponding folders with useful context menus that directly allow you to run AMPL files.
  • Built-in interactive AMPL console.
  • Outline view that shows the model components: parameters, sets, variables, objectives and constraints.

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AMPL Shell

AMPL is a comprehensive, powerful and flexible algebraic modelling language and AMPL Shell is an interactive shell-level modelling environment. AMPL is used to create machine-readable formulation of the linear, non-linear and integer programming problems.AMPL is based on modern modelling principles and utilizes an advanced architecture providing flexibility that most other modelling systems lack. AMPL has been used in many demanding mathematical programming modelling applications around the world.

AMPL allows modellers to create models with maximum productivity. By using AMPL’s natural algebraic notation, even a very large, complex model can often be stated in a concise, and understandable form. Since AMPL models are easy to understand, debug and modify, AMPL also makes maintaining models easy.

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AMPL api

AMPL API is a set of APIs designed for embedding optimization models into applications. The supported host languages are,

  • Java

Coming soon:

  • C++

In Development:

  • .NET
  • R
  • Python

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