EPAT(NSA) Specialization with OptiRisk

>>EPAT(NSA) Specialization with OptiRisk

EPAT(NSA) Specialization with OptiRisk

EPAT News, Sentiment and Alternative Data is a specialization of the renowned Executive Program in Algorithmic Trading (EPAT) course.

EPAT (NSA) course focuses on Sentiment Analysis and the practical use of Alternative Data such as news, social media and micro-blogs in Finance. The program is designed for finance professionals who are interested in modern methods of Algorithmic and Quantitative Trading. It gives an in-depth explanation of how News Analytics, Sentiment Analysis and Alternative Data can be exploited for trading and investment decisions in the competitive world of Financial Markets. Candidates obtain certificates after successful completion of the course.

What will you learn?

The course imparts knowledge about

  • diverse sentiment types
  • how these affect the financial market participants
  • how information is extracted from classical newswires, macroeconomic announcements, social media, micro-blogs and online search
  • models to exploit sentiment analysis
  • different structures of sentiment meta data
  • the leading sentiment data vendors
  • models for (i) enhanced trading strategies and (ii) risk adjusted returns for portfolio construction

What the Course promises to provide

The EPAT (NSA) program is led by professional instructors who work in the domain of sentiment analysis in finance. In this instructor led course, the faculty members explain successful research results for SP500 and NIFTY50 that they have obtained after many years of failure. They also give a comprehensive overview of how different sources of knowledge and Data are combined to enhance systematic trading strategies.

In addition to this, students will get a copy of:

  1. The Handbook of Sentiment Analysis in Finance
  2. A proof copy of the ‘Handbook of Alternative Data in Finance’ (target publication date: December 2021)

Hands-on sessions

Lectures are structured to include time for Q&A sessions and discussions. These are followed by hands-on sessions, where participants learn the practical application of ideas via common programming languages (such as Python). Participants are divided into project teams in order to ensure a comfortable learning process. Case Studies are presented by experts to illustrate how certain models are deployed in real-life. In addition, participants get access to all lecture recordings, notes, and relevant material through QuantInsti’s well refined LMS platform.

Visit the course website and watch the video to learn more: https://www.unicom.co.uk/epat-nsa/

Batch 2 of EPAT (NSA) is already under way. Please write to dina@optirisk-systems.com for any queries or further information on Batch 3.

2021-05-20T05:05:45+00:00 19 May 2021|Blog|