Directors and Team

>>Directors and Team
Directors and Team 2024-08-13T08:17:09+00:00


Gautam Mitra
Gautam MitraFounder and Managing Director
Prof Mitra is an internationally renowned research scientist in the field of Operational Research in general and computational optimization…Read more
Dhira Mitra
Dhira MitraCo Founder and Director
Dhira holds an honours and master’s degree in English from Visva-Bharati University, Santiniketan, India. She started her career in the UK as an ESL teacher…Read more
Cormac Lucas
Cormac LucasTechnical Director
Dr Lucas has extensive knowledge of Mathematical Optimization and Software Tools for (algebraic) Optimization Modelling…Read more
Ganesh Mani
Ganesh ManiNon-Executive Director
Ganesh is a financial services domain expert and an accomplished entrepreneur in the area of embedding high-value IP in various business processes. He is an Investment Manager…Read more
Padmakumar. Bala
Padmakumar. BalaDirector
Mr. Padmakumar has more than 28 years of experience in Product Development and Product Management…Read more


Yuanqi Chu
Yuanqi ChuIntern and Sponsored PhD Candidate
Yuanqi joined OptiRisk Systems in October 2020. She is an industry sponsored PhD student in the Department…Read more
Christina Erlwein-Sayer
Christina Erlwein-SayerConsultant and Associate Researcher
Christina Erlwein-Sayer is a consultant and associate researcher at OptiRisk Systems. Her research interests lie in financial analytics…Read more
Alexander Gladilin
Alexander GladilinResearch Associate
Alexander is the CEO of a start-up company Transolved, and a research associate of OptiRisk. He is also a Doctoral Researcher at the Mathematics Department of…Read more
Shrey Jhunjhunwala
Shrey JhunjhunwalaChief Business Development Officer
Shrey is a Computer Science graduate of Amity University; he has subsequently worked with Hindustan Times in the area of Customer Marketing…Read more
Alessandro Porrino
Alessandro PorrinoSenior Associate (Consultant)
Dr Porrino has a bachelor’s degree in Electronics Engineering from Politecnico di Torino University and a PhD in Industrial Quality Controls from Brunel University…Read more
Akshita Porwal
Akshita PorwalResearch Assistant
Akshita graduated from Christ University, Bangalore, India (Class of 2021) with a Bachelor’s degree in Economics Honours. During her undergraduate degree…Read more
Kavya Reddy
Kavya ReddyFinance Executive
Kavya, an alumna of St. Mary’s College in Hyderabad, began her professional journey in London, where she honed her skills across HR…Read more
Suraj Sakaria
Suraj SakariaTrading Strategy Consultant
Suraj started his career as an entrepreneur and had founded two start-ups. He joined OptiRisk in March 2022 as a Trading Strategy Consultant…Read more
Brian Sentance
Brian SentanceNon-Executive Director
Brian started his career at JP Morgan; he is the ex-CEO of Xenomorph and has over 30 years of experience in data and analytics applied to financial markets…Read more
Christian Valente
Christian ValenteChief Technology Officer
Dr Valente has a bachelor’s degree, first class honors in Computer Science and subsequently an MSc in Artificial Intelligence from Politecnico di Milano, Italy (2004)…Read more
Cristiano Arbex Valle
Cristiano Arbex ValleSenior Software Engineer and Consultant
Dr Valle has a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and an MSc in Operations Research from Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG)…Read more


Frank Ellison
Frank EllisonPrincipal Consultant (Retired)
Dr Ellison worked as a Senior Research Associate in CARISMA at Brunel University. He has a long-standing experience of developing large-scale…Read more
Csaba Fabian
Csaba FabianVisiting Researcher
Dr Fabian has 15 years’ experience in optimization and decision support modelling; in particular he specialises in computational models for decision…Read more
Diana Roman
Diana RomanConsultant and Research Associate
After completing her PhD under late Professor Darby-Dowman and Professor Mitra, Dr Roman joined OptiRisk Systems as a software developer…Read more
Humberto Brandão
Humberto Brandão
Dr. Brandão has knowledge of Machine Learning and Combinatorial Optimization. He is also an expert in Data Science applied to financial…Read more
Ronald Hochreiter
Ronald Hochreiter
Ronald is Principal Investigator of the project ReKlaSat 3D (Reconstruction and Classification of Satellite Images) using contemporary Deep Learning technologies…Read more